
Jeanette Barnes and Paul Brandford are multi-award winning artists with extensive tutoring experience.

Their specialist workshops have a lasting impact on students’ work, encouraging them to take risks, explore possibilities and be decisive.

Both have over twenty-five years of teaching experience devising and leading workshops and courses for a range of institutions including the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Drawing School, Somerset House, NSEAD, and The Big Draw amongst others.

Jeanette Barnes

Jeanette studied at the Royal Academy Schools and the Royal College of art. She has won numerous awards including the Hugh Casson Drawing Prize, Lynn Painter-Stainer Prize and most recently the Trinity Buoy Wharf Working Drawing prize 2019.

Jeanette’s work documents changing urban landscapes, exploring relationships between built environments and those who inhabit them. Her large drawings culminate from many sketches made on location. The final work is built up over long periods of trial and error, editing information and assessing new possibilities.

These energetic drawings do not encapsulate a single moment, but a combination of experiences and ideas.

Jeanette's work

Paul Brandford

Paul studied at the Royal Academy Schools. He won the 2003 Jerwood Drawing Prize, Britain’s foremost award for drawing, and was shortlisted for the inaugural Threadneedle Prize 2008.

Paul examines today’s world of politicians, culture and conflict; photojournalism and film stills inspire his drawings and paintings. The resulting work is sometimes satirical, sometimes serious but never pure reproduction.

He transforms his subject using exploratory visual language, creating something both captivating and thought provoking.

Paul's work